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iBlitz Team

Adrian Barker - Company Director
            - Operations Manager
            - Cert III Hort
            - Dip. Landscaping (in progress)








Establishing his own gardening business in 2005 ‘Barkers Yard Blitz’, Adrian has continually grown and developed his knowledge and experience in landscaping and horticulture whilst focusing on niche markets within the industry.  Trading under the name iBlitz since 2008, the focus of garden presentations for the real estate industry has seen Adrian steer iBlitz to become one of the most reputable businesses in the industry.  Adrian’s knowledge base and skill set are a result of the very niche the business serviced... fixing gardens -  if the job was done correctly in the first place or plant selection was appropriate for the long term, then there would have been no reason for iBlitz to be correcting the issues.  Therefore, Adrian brings to his landscaping a simple principal of doing a job the right way in the first place, so it lasts for the long term.  Adrian is passionate about what he is doing, and where his is taking iBlitz.  Bringing the highest levels of service and finish to you the client, which serves to bolster the reputation of iBlitz into the future.





Camille Jugant - Principle
            - Masters of Landscaping Construction

              Engineering and Design.





Hailing for France, Camille has a wealth of knowledge and experience that is second to none for anyone else his age.  Studying at the prestigious Institute of Agriculture, Food Industry, Environment and Landscape Management in Lille, France. Camille completed is Masters degree as Dux of his year.  Following an internship in Cairns in 2010, Camille decided that he wanted to make a life in Australia.  Throughout 2012 Camille traveled around Australia working along the way, stepping into roles such as team leader for the installation of the Broome Botanical Gardens amongst others.  Having decided to settle in Melbourne, Camille joins iBlitz as a business Principle who shares very similar desires of what wants to achieve with his landscaping, and the standards required to make it happen.


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